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Collaborative Marketing: 5 Ways External SMEs Can Boost Your GTM

Collaborative Marketing

One of the biggest challenges facing B2B marketing teams is creating thought leadership content that provides massive value to their target market.

To create content that boosts awareness, drives demand, and ultimately generates revenue, B2B marketers must possess comprehensive knowledge about their products, services, and industry as a whole.

Most marketing teams don’t have the necessary knowledge or expertise in-house, especially when selling highly technical and complex enterprise solutions. This is where partnering with external subject matter experts can be highly beneficial.

External subject matter experts (SMEs) are individuals who possess specialized knowledge and expertise in a specific area that pertains to the products and/or services of a B2B marketing team.

An external subject matter expert can come in many unique forms. It could be an experienced executive, an influential voice in the industry, a practitioner with deep expertise, or a top consultant with extensive industry knowledge.

5 Reasons to Partner with External SMEs

Access to specialized knowledge and expertise

Partnering with external subject matter experts can elevate B2B marketing content to the next level by incorporating deep insights and knowledge that may not be available in-house.

With their specialized expertise, these experts help B2B marketers create content that is truly driven by the “Voice of the Market.”

Improved content quality

Partnering with external subject matter experts can lead to improved content quality. By leveraging the expert's knowledge and expertise, B2B marketers can create more insightful, relevant, and engaging content. This can help improve the overall quality of their content marketing efforts, which can lead to better engagement, more leads, and ultimately more sales.

Increased credibility

Partnering with external subject matter experts can help establish B2B marketing teams as credible thought leaders in their industry. By collaborating with highly respected experts in their field, B2B marketers can increase their credibility and authority in the eyes of their target audience.

Access to new audiences

External subject matter experts can bring their own networks and audiences to the table. By partnering with experts who have their own following, B2B marketers can expand their reach and access new audiences that may not have been reachable otherwise.


Partnering with external subject matter experts can be a cost-effective way to access specialized knowledge and expertise. Rather than hiring full-time employees with specific expertise, B2B marketers can work with external experts on a project-by-project basis, which can be a more cost-effective option.

The Data Shows Why

Plenty of data supports the benefits of partnering with external subject matter experts.

According to a study by the Content Marketing Institute, 60% of B2B marketers reported that working with external experts helped them create better content.

The Aberdeen Group found that companies that work with external experts are more likely to have a formal content marketing strategy and are more successful at executing that strategy.

A survey by LinkedIn found that 89% of B2B marketers use content marketing to reach customers, and among those who are most successful at content marketing, 75% said they partner with influencers and industry leaders to co-create content.

Real-World Examples

IBM partnered with external subject matter experts to create a series of videos on the future of technology. The experts included scientists, futurists, and researchers, who provided deep insights and perspectives that IBM's own team could not have provided. The videos were shared on IBM's website, social media platforms, and other channels.

Hubspot partners with industry experts and thought leaders to create high-quality content for their audience. They have a program called the "Hubspot Expert Program" where they work with select industry experts to create content, collaborate on webinars, and speak at their events.

Salesforce partners with industry leaders to create content for their blog and events. For example, they partnered with social media expert Mari Smith to create a guide called "The Complete Guide to Social Media for B2B Marketers". The guide provides tips and strategies for using social media to drive business results, and features insights from Smith and other industry experts.

Collaboration Is The Future of Marketing

Partnering with external subject matter experts is a smart move for any B2B marketing team that wants to create high-quality content, establish credibility and authority in their industry, and expand their reach.

By leveraging the expertise of external experts, B2B marketers can create more insightful, relevant, and engaging content that resonates with their target audience.